A message from Chinua

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Hi, I’m Chinua Rhodes. I’m a father of 5, a community organizer, & your Trustee.

I grew up right here in South Sacramento, and I’m a product of Sac City Schools.


  • Building strong partnerships with families and the broader community is vital for creating a supportive learning environment and improving student outcomes. 

    I will continue doing this by:

    1. Establishing schools as a community hub for education, resources, and supports

    2. Fostering relationships with local government, nonprofits, local businesses, and stakeholders to benefit our students, families, and the community

    3. Collaborating with neighboring cities and counties to provide our families with programs that meet community needs

  • Addressing issues related to student attendance is essential for ensuring that students have access to education and can fully engage in the learning process .

    I will do this by:

    1: Build on the current home visit program to ensure kids that are not in the classroom, are back in the classroom

    2: Outreach to the community about the programs at the school district.

    3: Expand and uplift the community school model

  • Ensuring the district attracts and retains qualified educators and staff is crucial for maintaining the quality of education and support services we provide to our students.

    This looks like:

    1. Paying staff competitive wages & benefits

    2. Ensuring staff have the appropriate resources and supports

    3. Improving District culture and climate for all